Abstract Submission
The Organising and Scientific Committees of the Conference cordially invite all interested participants to submit paper(s) to be featured at the Conference. All submitted abstracts will undergo a full review with accepted abstracts selected for the final mode of presentation either in oral or poster format.
Abstract submission deadline: 8th October 2017
• Abstract submission can only be done online.
• An abstract of no more than 1500 characters (around 25 lines) should be submitted before October 8th, 2017.
• Prior to submitting an abstract, please create an Indico account. Your log-in will be a unique contact portal, allowing you to submit abstracts, view and edit them, find all information on your contributions and register as a BR2018 delegate.
• Abstract topic should belong to the Conference themes.
• All contributions should be presented during the conference by a registered presenting author.
Notification of acceptance: 25th November 2017
Full paper submission deadline: 20th January 2018
Final programme: 20 March 2018
Each session will be introduced by a keynote lecture given by a specialist and/or high level representative of the key institutes in this field (academia and industry).
For the rest of the session, invited participants will present their work to the audience. Participants will be informed in due time by the Scientific Committee whether their paper is to be considered for oral presentation.
An award will be granted by the Scientific Committee to the most inspiring and technologically/scientifically sound presentation.
Poster Presenters
Researchers and other actors are invited to present their posters during the lunch and coffee breaks. Moreover, poster presenters can also deliver a short oral presentation (3-5 minutes) about their posters to the auditorium audience during an Intensified Poster Presentation Session.
Oral and poster presenters should submit a 6-page paper before 10/01/2018 which will be published in the Conference Proceedings together with the papers of the keynote speakers. Please use this template.
Participants can indicate upon registration whether they prefer to have a printed copy or a USB-stick of the Conference Proceedings.
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a Thematic Section in the Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy.